Monday, 8 August 2011

KWC PT99 ( Full Metal, Co2)

KWC PT99 (Full Metal,Dual Power) co2 & Gas


- Build Material : Full Metal
- Length : 215mm
- Capacity : 30 rds
- Velocity : 1.4J/400fps
- Hop Up : Adjustable
- System : CO2 - Mode : Single & Full-Auto
- Package : Gun , 2 Magazine , BBs , Manual,
Features :
- Very Solid and Nice Metal Piece
- 1:1 Scale construction
- Tactical Rail
- Full Metal Slide and Frame
- Top Finishing CO2 Pistol !!!


This full metal pistol patterns after the M9 albeit a select fire version capable of both semi and fully automatic fire. Its 25 round magazine will not allow full auto for very long and the extended flow is detrimental to accuracy and consistency but at the shortest ranges it can be handy for clearing tight spaces. On semi, it shoots clean and consistent with accuracy to rival most weapons and clocking in at 390 fps means it will certainly be capable of reaching out and touching someone.

As a CO2 weapon its upkeep costs may not compete with the economy of Top / Green gas but then again Top gas weapons cannot compete with this level of power either. As an M9 pattern weapon it should holster similarly to a standard one, it shoots accurately at 390 fps from a 25 round magazine with a possibility for full auto in a pinch. All that for this price makes it quite the bargain.

1 comment:

  1. should try this one in hi cap magazine in full auto......phewww
